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  • How fast can you build my website?
    How quickly we can build your site depends on how many pages it is, how complex the requirements are, and what platform you want to use. We can develop a 1-page wix site in just a few days, but a custom site could take months. Please contact us for an estimate for your project!
  • What types of websites do you build?
    We build Wix, Wordpress, Shopify, and custom websites.
  • What is your web development process?
    We start every project with a whiteboard meeting to discuss who is coming to your website, what they need to know about you, how you are marketing the site, etc. From there, we build out a wireframe that shows every page as a series of boxes, calls to actions, and key messages. Then comes content - we can provide full copywriting services or can work with someone on your team. Finally, we design and code the site. We start with one page to make sure you are happy and then develop the rest of the site. Want to see what the process looks like? Set up a call and we can walk you through it!
  • Which website is better - Wix, Wordpress, or Shopify?
    Whether we suggest building in wix, wordpress or shopify depends a lot on what you website's functionality needs are. In general, we suggest Wix for sites that are mostly informational and will not require any advanced functionality because they are cheaper to build, great on mobile devices, and do not require ongoing support and maintenance. In short - they don't break over time and are easy for you to manage yourself. Wordpress sites are good for businesses who need more advanced functionality (e.g. subscriber-only areas, etc.). Sometimes a client is already on Wordpress and wants to stay there - and that is fine too! Wordpress is good for SEO and SEM efforts, but does require regular upkeep to work smoothly and is harder for non-technical staff to update. Shopify is a great option for companies that are commerce-first. We also build custom sites for database-heavy companies.
  • What does web development cost?
    Our pricing depends on several factors: Which platform you need the site built in (Wix, Wordpress, Shopify or Custom) How much content and design support you require Your timeline to launch In general, Wix sites range from $500-$1000/ page and wordpress sites range from $1000-$1500 a page.


Kate L. Harrison Consulting, LLC

Box 399

St. Mary's City, MD 20686

Tel: 203-687-9260​

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